Friday, November 11, 2005

Those Wishy-Washy Democrats

The follow excerpts are from a NY TIMES article titled

"His Image Tarnished, Bush Seeks to Restore Credibility" by RICHARD W. STEVENSON and DAVID S. CLOUD (Published: November 11, 2005).


But even as they begin to address what comes next, Democrats are drawing blood with new attacks on how the nation got into the war in the first place. A poll released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan research group, found that 43 percent of Americans believe that the American and British governments lied about Iraq's weapons to justify the invasion, up from 31 percent early last year.

An ABC News/Washington Post poll conducted last week found that 40 percent of Americans believe Mr. Bush is honest and trustworthy, down from 53 percent 18 months ago and 70 percent three years ago.

The White House's effort to stop the erosion is centered on defining the president's critics as Democrats who voted for the war based on the same intelligence Mr. Bush saw but have switched positions, often under pressure from their party's left wing.

"I point out that some of the critics today believed themselves in 2002 that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction," Stephen J. Hadley, the national security adviser, said Thursday at a news briefing. "They stated that belief, and they voted to authorize the use of force in Iraq because they believed Saddam Hussein posed a dangerous threat to the American people. For those critics to ignore their own past statements, exposes the hollowness of their current attacks."


Despite Bush's plummet in popularity, I think the Democrats are going to have a hard time shaking off this "hypocrite" label that Bush and the Republicans are going to try branding them with. . .in part because it actually carries some weight. None of the so-called "evidence" I've seen ever justified going to war with Iraq when we should have been seeking Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. I don't know what the Democrats were thinking when they voted for the war. . .people were pointing out holes in the evidence before, during and after it was presented (including the "fact" that Saddam was seeking uranium from Africa). Maybe it will serve the Democrats right to feel the sting of this accusation, but hopefully it won't take away from Bush's plummet in popularity. I'm curious. . .how bad do things have to get before people start calling for Bush's impeachment. . .do you think there is any chance of that happening?


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